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frying pan n.油炸鍋。 leap [jump] out of th...


Shred ham . beat egg and fry in frying pan with little oil to form a thin egg crepe . cool first , then shred . ri e cucumber well and hred , then soak in cold water with a little sugar added for 3 minutes . remove and drain well 火腿切絲;雞蛋打散,用少許油煎成蛋皮,放涼后切成絲;小黃瓜洗凈,切絲,加少許糖放入冷開水浸3分鐘,去除澀味后取出瀝干。

A japanese woman has been sentenced to four years in prison for beating her husband to death with a frying pan after he confessed to having an affair , domestic media reported on tuesday 日本媒體周二競相報道,橫濱的一名主婦被判4年徒刑,罪狀是她用平底鍋把其夫毆至死亡。

Japanese woman has been sentenced to four years in prison for beating her husband to death with a frying pan after he confessed to having an affair , domestic media reported on tuesday 日本媒體周二競相報道,橫濱的一名主婦被判4年徒刑,罪狀是她用平底鍋把其夫毆至死亡。

It should be fairly obvious that i cooked an omelette in a frying pan rather than in a wood stove , but it bothers me to make the same mistakes over and over again 很明顯,我是在我的煎鍋中不是在木爐中做我的煎蛋的,可是一再地犯同樣的錯誤讓我心煩意亂。

You might think of topics as types of containers for preparing food in different ways , such as a basic frying pan , blender , and baking dish 您可以將主題看作以不同方式準備食物的各種類型的容器,例如,最常用的平底鍋、攪拌器和供烘焙用的碟。

Heat up a frying pan with a tablespoon of oil , pour in the beaten eggs and pan fry over the low heat until lightly golden in both sides . dish off 另熱油1大勺爆香姜蒜末,倒入黑木耳及調料炒勻。然后用淀粉水收汁。淋在煎蛋上,灑上蔥花即可。

She sold her poultry farm because it did not pay and then bought a market garden which also failed ; she went from the frying pan into the fire 她因禽場不賺錢就把它賣了,然后買了塊菜園,可又虧了本,她這真是逃脫小難又遭大難。

Three days later he ' s reading his paper when she walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head again with the frying pan 三天后他正在看報紙,妻子走到他身后,又用一只煎鍋敲他的后腦勺。

The movie cowboy was out the frying pan into the fire . after be escaped from robbers , he was captured by indians 電影中的那個牛仔真是才脫小難又遭大災,他剛從強盜手中逃脫卻又被印地安人抓住。

It is suitable for lining baking trays and cake tins , swiss - roll trays , even frying pans , hot plates and in microwave 它可以應用在烘烤盤子,蛋糕罐子,瑞士滾動盤子,炸鍋,熱的板材和微波盧。

A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan 一個家伙正在看報紙,他的妻子走到他身后,用一只煎鍋敲他的后腦勺。

A guy is reading his newspaper when his wife walks up behind him and hits him on the back of the head with a frying pan 一個家伙正在看報紙,他妻子從后面走過來用煎鍋打他的后腦勺。

Guy is reading his newspaper when his wife walks up behind him and hits him on the back of the head with a frying pan 一個家伙正在看報紙,他妻子從后面走過來用煎鍋打他的后腦勺。

Many kids who run away from unhappy homes discover they ' ve jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire 很多小孩子從不快樂的家庭逃出來,才發現之自己是才出狼窩又進虎口。

Heat up a shallow frying pan with a little oil . pan - fry until golden brown on both sides 小火燒熱平底鍋,入少許油,放入餅胚烙成兩面金黃色即可。

Add olive oil to frying pan . heat pan . add chicken thigh and fry until 70 % done . remove 下少許橄欖油于煎鑊上,燒熱后下雞扒,煎至七成熟,盛起。

The fisherman looked up and answered , “ for i only have a very small frying pan . 漁夫向上看著,回答說: “因為我只有一個非常小的煎鍋。 ”

Forever and ever ! amen ! nazi officer going down to hell with your egg - frying pan 永遠的!阿門納粹軍官和你的煎蛋鍋一起滾下地獄吧!

Non - stick fry pan 不粘煎盤